Saturday, 22 February 2014

My brother Max and I got hair cuts last week while Mommy went to the eye doctor.  I'm glad she is getting her eyes fixed because we are just too cute not to see.  Love, Jewel


  1. I hardly recognized the two of you. You both look 10 pounds lighter! Keep rocking it Jewel!

    1. Thank you Mommy, maybe next time you and I can get our hair cut together. :D Love, Jewel.

    2. If l have hair left to get cut! I am thinning out a lot Jewel, but if when time comes when you need a cut
      , if l still have hair, l would be happy to get mine done too, only l won't be going to the dog groomer to get mine done, but l will stand by your side if you want me too.
